It is often easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.

Adlai Stevenson
Some Similar Quotes
  1. This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. - Dalai Lama Xiv

  2. About once or twice every month I engage in public debates with those whose pressing need it is to woo and to win the approval of supernatural beings. Very often, when I give my view that there is no supernatural dimension, and certainly not one... - Christopher Hitchens

  3. Not only is there often a right and wrong, but what goes around does come around, Karma exists, chickens do come home to roost, and as my mother, Phyllis, liked to say, “There is always a day of reckoning.” The good among the great understand... - Unknown

  4. I have something that I call my Golden Rule. It goes something like this: 'Do unto others twenty-five percent better than you expect them to do unto you.' … The twenty-five percent is for error. - Linus Pauling

  5. But with dogs, we do have "bad dog." Bad dog exists. "Bad dog! Bad dog! Stole a biscuit, bad dog! " The dog is saying, "Who are you to judge me? You human beings who’ve had genocide, war against people of different creeds, colors, religions,... - Eddie Izzard

More Quotes By Adlai Stevenson
  1. But the Wisconsin tradition meant more than a simple belief in the people. It also meant a faith in the application of intelligence and reason to the problems of society. It meant a deep conviction that the role of government was not to stumble along...

  2. We travel together, passengers on a little space ship, dependent on its vulnerable reserves of air and soil; all committed for our safety to its security and peace; preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work, and, I will say, the love we give...

  3. I remember my father telling me the story of the preacher delivering an exhortation to his flock and as he reached the climax of his exhortation a man in the front row got up and said 'O Lord use me. Use me O Lord -...

  4. No gains without pains.

  5. Let's talk sense to the American people. Let's tell them the truth that there are no gains without pains.

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